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All Posts Moving beyond COVID-19

Posted On: 7/12/2021 9:27:41 PM    | by Admin     Comments:

After a year of living with COVID-19, I would like to reflect on the way we have responded to the pandemic and how it has impacted on the quality of care. While it may be easy to look back and find fault in how we responded, there are many positives and lessons that can be taken forward.


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Cell phone, smartwatch magnets may disturb pacemakers:

Posted On: 7/12/2021 9:22:19 PM    | by Admin     Comments:

Implanted cardiac defibrillators are designed to detect an irregular heartbeat and shock the heart back into a normal rhythm. FDA on Thursday warned that when such a device stops working patients "may experience dizziness, loss of consciousness or even death if therapy is not delivered wh...
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